
Panchkarma is an Ayurvedic means of maintaining equilibrium of mind and body. It comprises a number of ayurvedic therapies involving detoxification, therapeutic cleansing of the body and rejuvenation as a treatment for many chronic conditions. Panchkarma is a Sanskrit word that means "five actions" or "five treatments".

Panchkarma includes three parts namely:

Poorva Karma (Preparatory Methods)which includes : Pradhan Karma (Main methods)which includes : Pashchat Karma (Post-Therapeutic Measures)which includes :
  • Paachan (Digestion)
  • Vaman (Induced vomiting)
  • This includes Sansarjan Krama (Specific dietetics),
    DhumaPana (smoking of medicinal cigars) and some rules to
    follow specific activities.
  • Snehan (Internal and external oleation)
  • Virechan (Induced purgation)
  • Swedan (Fomentation)
  • Basti (Medicated enema)
  • Nasya (Nasal medicine)
  • Rakta Mokshan (Artificial bloodletting)

Poorva Karma


This therapy employs administration of medicated oils either internally or externally. A particular type of medicated ghee is selected according to the patient and given orally in an increasing order for around 7 days.


Abhyanga is external application of oil. It consists of vigorous massage over the whole body with medicated oils chosen according to the medical condition of the patient. Warm oil is applied generously all over the body and massage strokes are done in specific directions. We offer different types of body massages like simple ayurvedic massage, beauty body massage, weight loss massage, authentic keraliya body massage etc. Massage is done by one or two masseurs who are skilled and have a profound experience in this art. Body massage is done for around 60 minutes and is followed by medicated steam. It is like oiling the engine of your car -if you do it regularly, your engine will be in peak condition and give you years and years of trouble free performance.


  •  To improve blood circulation, facilitate removal of the toxins from the tissues and release mental and physical fatigue.
  •  Massage soothes the two master systems of the body , the nervous system and the endocrine system.
  • It stimulates the internal organs and lymphatic drainage thereby eliminating body impurities and helps in reducing weight.
  •  It calms the nerves and promotes deeper and better sleep. It enhances the complexion of the skin and nourishes all parts of the body.
  •  It increases lubrication of the joints and toning of the muscles.


After thorough body massage the patient is made to sit inside the wooden steam box and medicated steam is given for around 10-15 minutes. After that steam is given on the localized area of pain. Doshas which have been lubricated by abhyanga and internal snehapan, residing either in the alimentary tract ( intestines etc), tissues or in the channels of the extremities are liquefied by swedana and brought into the intestines to be eliminated out of the body completely by techniques like basti. It clears the channels of the body to improve circulation and digestion, reduces water retention and excess weight. It helps to reduce pain stiffness , heaviness, swelling and coldness in the body , thereby increasing the mobility.

Pradhan Karma

Vaman (Induced Emesis)

Vamana is the therapeutic induction of vomiting to remove vitiated Kapha to treat diseases like obesity, allergic sinusitis and skin diseases, diabetes, hypothyroidism, hay fever etc.

Virechana (Induced Purgation)

Virechana is the therapeutic controlled purgation that removes excess Pitta dosha. It is effective in acidity, chronic headache, asthma, liver disorders, gout, psoriasis and other chronic skin diseases.


Basti (Medicated oil or decoction enemas)

Basti is the administration of herbal oils and decoctions as medicated enema. It is considered as the mother of all treatments. Basti cleanses the accumulated toxins from all the three doshas, specially the Vata dosha through the colon. It is beneficial in arthritis, sciatica, spondylitis, paralysis, colitis, infertility, PCOD and chronic digestive disorder.

Nasya (nasal medication)

Nasya is the instillation of medicated oil, ghee or other herbs into the nostrils. It cleanses and eliminates the toxins from the head region and keeps the sense organs healthy. It is an effective treatment for hair fall and premature greying of hair, sinusitis, facial paralysis, headache, anxiety, depression etc.


Raktamokshan (blood letting therapy)

Raktamokshan is the procedure of blood-letting. In this procedure we take out the impure blood, due to which a person is suffering from a disease. Hence this procedure detoxifies ‘raktadhatu’ ( Blood). Raktamokshana therapy is the blood cleansing and purification therapy. The blood is expelled out from the body to reduce the quantity of toxic substances in the blood borne disorders. It is adviced in eczema, psoriasis, acne, boils, cyst, tumours, swelling of the joints, alopecia etc.

griva basti

Griva Basti

kati basti

Kati Basti

janu basti

Janu Basti


This is a very beneficial treatment specific for slip disc, sciatica , low back pain, stiff neck, frozen shoulder, osteo and rheumatoid arthritis, knee pain, nervine problems etc. This treatment is for disorders that involve muscles, ligaments, bones, vertebraes, cartilages and nerves. Symptoms associated are swelling, pain, stiffness, tingling in the limbs and restricted movements.


This is a unique type of treatment done at Antara wellness center. It is a type of hot fomentation in which medicaments are tied in a cloth in the form of bolus, heated upto a tolerable temperature and swedana is done by gently rubbing the bolus over the painful area. Various types of pinda sweda are patra pinda (leaves of medicinal plants) shashtika shali (rice bolus) , churna pinda (herbal powders), baluka sweda (sand) etc. The prepared bolus is used for fomentation on the body by frequently heating it and this is to be done after abhyanga. The procedure is done for 40 minutes. It reduces the pain, stiffness and swelling of muscles, rejuvenates and strengthens the joints, tissues and nerves , also reduces numbness and tingling in the limbs.

pinda sweda



“shiro” means head and “dhara” means pouring in a stream. Shirodhara is a unique, blissful therapy of pouring oil on the forehead from a specific height for 30 minutes continuously and rhythmically in an oscillating manner allowing the oil to run through the scalp and into the hair.

Procedure:- To receive shirodhara the patient is made to lie down comfortably on a specially designed keraliya dharapati(bed) after abhyanga (body massage and steam). His eyes are covered with a cloth. The atmosphere is made absolutely calm and quiet with cell phones switched off. The liquid poured on the forehead generally is medicated oil depending on the disease. Medicated milk, buttermilk, decoction or coconut water can also be used. Continuous flowing of oil creates a particular pressure and vibration over the forehead. This vibration and little temperature activates the functions of the brain. The oil saturates the forehead and scalp and penetrates into the nervous system.

Shirodhara promotes deep relaxation, relieves anxiety, fatigue and renews and reinvigorates the body and mind. It relieves stress, fear, worry and excessive thoughts. It gives total relaxation as if from meditation. It has proven effective in lowering high blood pressure , insomnia and disturbed sleep. It has been used to treat diseases like sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, hairfall and greying , memory loss, neurological disorders, paralysis, migraine, cervical spondylitis , vertigo, psoriasis etc. Shirodhara also improves the functions of eyes, ear and nose.


Netra means eye and tarpan means giving strength to the eye. A dough of black gram is put around the eye ball in such a way that a dam like appearance is seen. Lukewarm medicated ghee is put in this dam to lubricate the eye and surrounding area which will be kept warm for 30 minutes.


This procedure throughly cleanses the eyes , treats dryness , reduces , burning , watering , night blindness pain of the eyes. It improves vision and clarity. It is a very good remedy for reducing intra-o cular pressure and stress of the eyes. Also done to strengthen the eye muscles in facial paralysis.

netra tarpan

hrida basti


Hrida basti in sanskrit refers to Hridaya, the heart and Basti, the retainer. It is a unique treatment for heart and chest diseases. This procedure is done after body massage and steam. A rim made up of a dough of urad dal is placed on the left side of the chest. Lukewarm medicated oil, ghee or herbal decoction is poured into this rim.The temperature of this is maintained for around 30 minutes.

  1. Ischaemic heart diseases (blockages), angina and other heart diseases. Regulates cardiac functions.
  2. Nourishes and strengthens the cardiac muscles, thus rejuvenates the heart.
  3. Asthma and other respiratory problems.
  4. Improves blood circulation and breathing.